Privacy Policy

This app is well aware of the importance of personal privacy to you. We will do our best to protect the security of your personal information and strictly abide by the following principles to protect your personal information. Before using our products or services, please be sure to read carefully and fully understand this Privacy Policy, which may involve your important rights. You should read it carefully and use relevant products or services after confirming that you fully understand and agree. When you start using the products or services we provide, it means that you have fully understood and agreed to what we have described in this policy.

This product respects users' rights to choose, know, and other rights, and allows you to manage your personal information. We will only collect your information and use it to provide you with secure services.

When you register as a user, you need to provide your personal information, including but not limited to user name, gender, date of birth, area of ​​residence, height, interests, industry, relationship search, etc. This information is collected to help you complete registration, obtain an account for this product, and protect the security of your account.

This product will also use cookies or other tracking codes to record your activity. In addition, this product will record your IP address, login time, device model and password you use, etc. This platform will not disclose the user's personal contact information without the user's permission.

When you use chat room services, if you provide additional information such as your geographical location during use, it will help provide you with better services and experience. The geographical location information obtained with your express consent is sensitive information. Refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from obtaining better platform services, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions.

When you use the matching function, we need the information you provide to recommend matching users to you. When video chat is turned on, additional functions based on the monitor can be used to take photos, video captures and video chats after the monitor permission is turned on; additional functions based on microphone voice technology can be used to achieve voice after the microphone permission is enabled and video chat, during which we collect your voice content.

1. We only collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

a.Keep the platform’s services running normally.

b. Ensure the security of platform services and users’ use of services.

c. Fulfill individual requirements for platform features or services.

d.Recommend advertisements, news, etc. that may be of interest to you.

e.Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of advertising and other promotional and marketing activities.

f. management software. Such as software certification and software updates.

g. Comply with laws, regulations and national standards.

2. We will obtain your prior consent before using your personal information for any purpose other than those stated here or using any information collected for a specific purpose for any other purpose.

Users' Data Daleting:If you want us to delete your data, please contact customer service or leave a message to our email , we will assist you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or matters related to this Privacy Policy, please contact the official website of this platform via email